Classic Car Parts

You can adopt many different strategies in trying to source spare parts for a car that went out of production last century. It sounds a little frightening phrased like that but it emphasises the point that if your car is a classic then the productions lines finished rolling out parts long ago. As time goes on those needed classic car parts will become more scarce and spending free time searching for those parts will need to be carefully rationed as well [as spare time seems to be dwindling these days too].


Spending time searching local scrap yards can be interesting but fruitless. The romance of chasing down that much sought after auto part Indian Jones like amongst the towering avenues of rusting Ford Anglias and Cortinas with hammer and chisel is giving way to the pressures of modern life. The old scrap yard is giving way to the car dismantler as the pressure to increase throughput effects us all. Who can afford to leave tons of rusting car salvage laying about an urban fringe waiting for the Harrison Ford of classic car parts to strike gold with an interior car part that last saw the light of day when Dennis Healey was waggling his Beetle brows at us [sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun – classic parts/Beetle]? In short, not many now.


You can check the spare parts sections of classic car magazines but you will only see what is being offered [as opposed to what is available] and the experience can be a little static. Like much of modern life you’re probably going to have to resort to the information super highway. Get on the internet & get searching. Agreed, it probably won’t be as much fun but it’ll be cleaner, safer and you can cover an awful lot more ground from the comfort of your own home. Check with the classic/vintage car clubs as there may well be members with classic car parts tucked away in a garage from an abandoned project.


You can also go to a service provider that makes the enquiries on your behalf to multiple scrap yards and car dismantlers. That service can be free when performed online in many instances. You could get multiple quotes from only the one query – a nice use of your precious time.


Find the Car Parts you need at 1st Choice


Getting a search done at up to 250 breakers and scrap yards at one go could greatly improve your chances of sourcing the quality parts you need. It will probably save you a great deal of time and money. Let us help your search for cheap car spares. Click on the link below to start your search or call 0905 235 6000 to find out more.